Monday, December 12, 2011

Bring on 2012!

December is such a busy and exciting time of the year. Christmas of course keeps us all very busy! And for that reason, this will be my last post of this year 2011. For me, December is a time of planning, dreaming and reflection.

December 21st is Chanukah and the 22nd is the first day of Winter, Christmas Day is the 25th and Boxing Day is the 26th and the 31st is New Years's Eve! Hope I covered most of the "Days"!

I have received a little award from blogland, and I will post about this in the New Year. I may then let you see an up to date pic of me and let you know a bit more about me on that post...(if you really want to know!)

I want to say a big THANK YOU to all my active blog friends that stop in just ta say, "Hello"! You make my day I will be removing "Grab Buttons" that I have placed on my blog that have not visited as well !

Feel free to comment or send me a direct email if you like at:
kac65711 at yahoo dot com



Craft Couture by T.C. said...

Kim - Just thinking that I would not get to read any new post until after New Year makes me miss you already!! But I know what you mean..I have been extremely busy as well.

I hope you enjoy spending time with your loved ones. I am really looking forward to reading about your award from blogland and of course I would love to know more about you!! :)

Take care and looking forward to reading many more posts after the holidays :)


Linda in Calif. said...

I like this idea - to take a break for Christmas. Enjoy family! Thanks for coming to my blog. I'm following you now - so I'll see you when you start up blogging again!

mammafairy said...

Have a lovely break, Kim, I look forward to seeing you around in 2013 (on the web that is.. )

Lucy @ Charm About You said...

I like your plans for December - dreaming and reflection sound perfect!
Enjoy the holidays and looking forward to seeing the picture ;)

Susan said...

Looking forward to your new posts in 2012. Enjoy the holidays!